A yearly plan

The resultsNew program item19961997199819992000
The ocean island seismometryTen stations, Ponapei etc.Two more stations, system standardization@
Observation / analysis
Deep seafloor seismometry(down-hole type)Down-hole seismometer in Japan SeaDevelopment / production@@
Install three stations@@
Observation / analysis@@
@@@@(Ocean bottom type)High sensitivity ocean-bottom seismographInstall four stations@@
Observation / analysis
Deep ocean-bottom electromagnetic observationContinuous observation on Miyagi Enoshima islandInstall three stations@@
The high sensitivity ocean-bottom magnetometerObservation / analysis
Ocean island GPS observationRemote island GPS observationTwelve stations adjunct to ocean island seismometry stations.@
Observation / analysis
New technologySupersonic wave transmissionDevelopment of supersonic wave transmission and ultra long life power supply
International symposium@Convene@@@
Special research worker (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)@Five scientists per year(domestic) Three scientists per year(international)

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