Ocean Hemisphere Research Center OHRC

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研究論文 2000年
Fujita, E., Y. Fukao, and K. Kanjo, Strain offsets with monotonous damped oscillations during the 1986 Izu-Oshima Volcano eruption, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 443-462, 2000.
Gorbatov, A., S. Widiyantoro, Y. Fukao, and E. Gordeev, Signature of remnant slabs in the North Pacific from P-wave tomography, Geophys. J. Int., 142, 27-36, 2000.
Igel, H., N. Takeuchi, R. J. Geller, C. Megnin, H. P. Bunge, E. Clevede, J. Dalkolmo, and B. Romanowicz, The COSY Project: verification of global seismic modeling algorithms, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 119, 3-23, 2000.
Joseph, E. J., H. Toh, H. Fujimoto, R. V. Iyengar, B. P. Singh, H. Utada, and J. Segawa, Seafloor electromagnetic induction studies in the Bay of Bengal, Marine Geophys. Res., 21, 1-21, 2000.
Kawakatsu, H., S. Kaneshima, H. Matsubayashi, T. Ohminato, Y. Sudo, T. Tutui, K. Uhira, H. Yamasato, H. Ito, and D. Legrand, Aso-94: Aso seismic observation with broadband instruments, J. Vol. Geothermal Res., 101, 129-154, 2000.
Kunugi, T., Y. Fukao, and M. Ohno, Underdamped responses of a well to nearby swarm earthquakes, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 7805-7818, 2000.
Legrand, D., S. Kaneshima, and H. Kawakatsu, Moment tensor analysis of near field broadband waveforms observed at Aso volcano, Japan, J. Vol. Geothermal Res., 101, 155-169, 2000.
Mizutani, H., R. J. Geller, and N. Takeuchi, Comparison of accuracy and efficiency of timedomain schemes for calculating synthetic seismograms, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 119, 75-97, 2000.
Nakatani, M., S. Kaneshima, and Y. Fukao, Size-dependent microearthquake initiation inferred from high-gain and low-noise observations at Nikko district, Japan’, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 28095-28109, 2000.
Nawa, K., N. Suda, Y. Fukao, T. Sato, Y. Tamura, K. Shibuya, H. McQueen, H. Virtanen, and J. Kaariainen, Incessant excitation of the Earth’s free oscillations: global comparison of superconducting gravimeter records, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 120, 289-297, 2000.
Nishida, K., N. Kobayashi, and Y. Fukao, Resonant oscillations between the solid Earth and the atmosphere, Science, 287, 2244-2246, 2000.
Ogawa, T., and H. Utada, Coseismic piezoelectric effects due to a dislocation 1. An analytic far and early-time field solution in a homogeneous whole space, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 121, 273-288, 2000.
Ogawa, T., and H. Utada, Electromagnetic signals related to incidence of a teleseismic body wave into a subsurface piezoelectric body, Earth Planets Space, 52, 4, 253-260, 2000.
Shimizu H., and D. E. Loper, Small-scale helicity and alpha-effect in the Earth’s core, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 121, 139-155, 2000.
Sugioka, H., Y. Fukao, T. Kanazawa, and K. Kanjo, Volcanic events associated with an enigmatic submarine earthquake, Geophys. J. Int., 142, 361-370, 2000.
Takeuchi, N., and R. J. Geller, Optimally Accurate Second Order Time-Domain Finite Difference Scheme for Computing Synthetic Seismograms in 2-D and 3-D Media, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 119, 99-131, 2000.
Takeuchi, N., R. J. Geller, and P. R. Cummins, Complete synthetic seismograms for 3-D heterogeneous Earth models computed using modified DSM operators and theirapplicability to inversion for Earth structure, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 119, 25-36, 2000.
Utada, H., and H. Munekane, On galvanic distortion of regional three-dimensional magnetotelluric impedances, Geophys. J. Int., 140, 2, 385-398, 2000.
Utada, H., M. Neki, and T. Kagiyama, A study of annual variations in the geomagnetic total intensity with special attention to detecting volcanomagnetic signals, Earth Planets Space, 52, 91-103, 2000.
Vanyan, L. L., N. A. Palshin, H. Utada, H. Shimizu, and V. M. Nikiforov, Study of the telluric field using the submarine cable across the Sea of Japan, IZVESTIYA-PHYSICS OF THE SOLID EARTH, 36, 539-548, 2000.
Widiyantoro, S., A. Gorbatov, B. L. N. Kennett, and Y. Fukao, Improving global shearwave travel-time tomography using three dimensional ray tracing and iterative inversion, Geophys. J. Int., 141, 747-758, 2000.
山野誠・木下正高・松林修・中野幸彦, 南海トラフ付加体の温度構造と間隙流体による熱輸送, 地学雑誌, 109, 4, 540-553, 2000.

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