Pacific Array
Recent advances in ocean bottom broadband seismometry,
together with advances in the seismic analysis methodology,
have enabled us to resolve the regional 1-D structure of the
entire lithosphere/asthenosphere system, including seismic
with deployments of ~15 broadband ocean bottom seismometers.
Having ~15 BBOBSs as an array unit for a ~2-year deployment,
and repeating such deployments in a leap-frog way or concurrently
(an array of arrays) for a decade or so would enable us to cover
a large portion of the Pacific basin. Such efforts, not only
by giving regional constraints on the 1-D structure beneath Pacific ocean,
but also by sharing waveform data for global scale waveform tomography,
would drastically increase our knowledge of how plate tectonics works
on this planet, as well as how it worked for the past 180 million years.

- Japanese-Taiwanese Oldest-2 recovery cruise (2023/9/17-10/14)
- 2023 Spring map with four new funded projects (HEB,
EPIC arrays) is uploaded (2023/4/26)
- Galapagos array deployment cruise: (2023/3/6-4/6)
Galapagos Triple Junction(GTJ) array:
Samoa-Lau Ocean Observing Network (SaLOON) array:
Japanese-Taiwanese Pacific Array deployment @ Oldest-2 (2022/9/10-10/8)
Galapagos array: Apply-to-Sail on An Open Access Seismic Investigation of Galapagos Plume-Ridge Interaction - March 6-April 6 2023 (2022/09/16)
HEB array: The ship-times are awarded by the German and Japanese institutes for Sonne in 2024 and Hakuhou-maru in 2025 (2022/06/20)
Pacific Array Workshop 2021 (May 28 in Japan/Europe, May 27 in US)
Oldest-2 array proposal is funded by JSPS in Japan (2021/04/05, also funded by Taiwan in 2020)
US Pacific Array (Old-ORCA) recovery cruise (2020/11/12-12/)
Oldest-2 array cruise proposal is funded by Taiwan's MOST (reported at JpGU2020 Online, 2020/07/15)
US Pacific Array (Old-ORCA) deployment cruise (2019/11/13-12/7)
Japan-Korean Oldest-1 recovery cruise (2019/10/26-11/9)
Two new US arrays are recommended for funding by NSF (reported at IUGG in Montreal, 2019/07/16)
US Young PacificORCA recovery cruise (2019/5/8-6/8)
Japanese-Korean Pacific Array deployment @ Oldest (2018/10/30-11/10)
Japanese-Korean Oldest Array deployment scheduled for 10/25-11/5 (2018/5/24)
Korean Oldest Array ship proposal funded (2018/4/17)
US Pacific Array deployment: Pacific ORCA (2018/4/6-5/7)

Japanese Oldest Array proposal funded (2018/4/3)
- 2019 update (2019/12/31)
Station symbols: Completed (black star); Being deployed (white star); Funded (open circle)
people & rainbow

- 2019 update (2019/08/01)
Station symbols: Completed (black star); Being deployed (white star); Funded (open circle); Almost funded (i.e., recommended by NSF, open blue circle)
- 2018 update (2019/02/18)
Star: station deployed
- 2017 update (2017/12/13)