Ocean Hemisphere network Project
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Group IV < Data management and analysis >
The main tasks of this group are to set up and operate the data center
to analyze the OHP Network data ( in cooperation with the other groups
). The data center is the link between the Ocean Hemisphere Network
and the users of the network data, and contributes to uniform coverage
of geophysical networks over the globe through international data
exchange. The OHP network and networks operated by other countries are
giving the geophysical community new, high-resolution images of the
earth's interior. However, in order to take full advantage of the
data from these new networks, we also need more accurate and efficient
methods for analyzing the data. One example of our research in this
area is our development of the Direct Solution Method ( DSM ) for
computing synthetic seismograms. All software developed by our group
will be made freely available to other researchers. ( Y. Fukao )
For communication regarding this page, please contact: here
Ocean Hemisphere Research Center
Earthquake Research Institute
University of Tokyo
1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0032 Japan
tel: 81-3-3812-2111