Nature of Mid-Mantle Discontinuity

Hitoshi Kawakatsu

Close inspection of mantle discontinuities is important to understand the geodynamics.  We discovered mid-mantle discontinuities at various subduction zones (Kawakatsu & Niu 1994, Niu & Kawakatsu 1997).  Depth variation of the mid-mantle discontinuites was also detected beneath Indonesia by short period J-array data (Niu & Kawakatsu 1997), however this feature was not supported by broadband data (Vinnik et al. 2001).   Recently very dense and high quality short period array, Hi-Net, was constructed in Japan, and we hope those data will reveal the unknown nature of mantle discontinuities.

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     Seismic evidence for a chemical heterogeneity in the mid-mantle: a strong and slightly dipping seismic reflector beneath the Mariana subduction zone,
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     Determination of the absolute depths of the mantle transition zone discontinuities beneath China: effect of the stagnant slabs on the mantle transition zone discontinuiteis,
     Earth, Planets and Space (OHP special issue), 50, 965-975.
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     Depth variation of the mid-mantle seismic discontinuity,
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     Direct evidence of the undulation of the 660-km discontinuity beneath Tonga: comparison of Japan and US regional array data,
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