
による、常時自由振動の励起源に関する研究成果が、3/24, 2000付けのScience誌で
(Resonant Oscillations Between the Solid Earth and the Atmosphere,
Nishida, N. Kobayashi, Y. Fukao, Science, 287, 2244-2246, 2000)。


- 1.
- Incessant excitation of the Earth's free oscillations, K. Nawa,
N. Suda, Y. Fukao, T. Sato, Y. Aoyama, K. Shibuya,
Earth Planets Space, 50(1), 3-8, 1998.
- 2.
- Earth's background free oscillations, N. Suda, K. Nawa, Y. Fukao,
Science, 279, 2089-2091, 1998.
- 3.
- Earth's continuous oscillations observed on seismically quiet
days, T. Tanimoto, J. Um, K. Nishida, N. Kobayashi,
Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, no.10, 1553-1556, 1998.
- 4.
- Continuous excitation of planetary free oscillations by
atmospheric disturbances, N. Kobayashi, K. Nishida,
Nature, 395, 357-360, 1998.
- 5.
- Comment on "Incessant excitation of the Earth's free
oscillations" by Nawa et al., Y. Imanishi,
Earth Planets Space, 50(10), 883-885, 1998.
- 6.
- Reply to comment by Y. Imanishi, K. Nawa, N. Suda, Y. Fukao,
T. Sato, Y. Aoyama, K. Shibuya,
Earth Planets Space, 50(10), 887-892, 1998.
- 7.
- Atmospheric excitation of planetary free oscillations,
N. Kobayashi, K. Nishida,
J. Phys.: Cond. Mat., 10(49), 11557-11560, 1998.
- 8.
- Excitation of nomal modes by atmospheric turbulence: Source of
long period seismic noise, T. Tanimoto,
Geophys. J. Int., 136, 395-402, 1999.
- 9.
- Statistical features of Earth's continuous free oscillations,
K. Nishida, N. Kobayashi,
J. Geophys. Res., 104(B12), 28741, 1999.
- 10.
- Cause of continuous oscillations of the Earth, T. Tanimoto,
J. Um,
J. Geophys. Res., 104(B12), 28723, 1999.
- 11.
- Resonant Oscillations Between the Solid Earth and the Atmosphere,
Nishida, N. Kobayashi, Y. Fukao,
Science, 287, 2244-2246, 2000.
- 12.
- Incessant excitation of the Earth's free oscillations: global
comparison of superconducting gravimeter records, K. Nawa,
N. Suda, Y. Fukao, T. Sato, Y. Tamura, K. Shibuya, H. McQueen,
H. Virtanen, J. Kaariainen,
Phys. Earth. Planet. Inter., in press, 2000.
- 1.
- 超伝導重力計記録から得られたサイスミックおよびサブサイスミックバ
月刊地球、20, 52-56, 1998.
- 2.
- グローバル地震計ネットワークで見た常時地球自由振動、須田直樹・名
和一成、月刊地球, 20, 57-61, 1998.
- 3.
- 地球内部を覗く新しい目−海半球ネットワーク(2)−、深尾良夫、月
刊地球, 20, 313-320, 1998.
- 4.
- 大気による地球自由振動の励起、谷本俊郎、月刊地球、20, 367-371,
- 5.
- 地球のささやきを聞く−常時地球自由振動の発見、須田直樹・名和一成・
小林直樹、科学, 68, 859-863, 1998
- 6.
- 常時地球自由振動、名和一成・須田直樹、月刊地球, 21, 506-510,
- 7.
- 大気励起常時自由振動,西田究・小林直樹,日本惑星科学会誌, 8,
89-94, 1999.
国際学会発表(# 印は海半球グループによる発表)
[1997 OHP International Symposium, 1997.11]
- #
- Incessant excitation of the Earth's free oscillations, Nawa,
K., Suda, N., Fukao, Y., Sato, T., Aoyama, Y., and K. Shibuya
- #
- Seismic coupling between the solid and fluid Earth, Fukao, Y.,
Watada, S., Nawa, K., Suda, N., Kobayashi, N., and Nishida, K.
- #
- A superconducting gravimeter network - GGP Japan Network, GGP
Japan Group (T. Sato and Y. Imanishi)
[1997 AGU Fall Meeting, 1997.12] Session: Free Oscillation Background
- #
- Incessant excitation of the Earth's free oscillations,
K. Nawa, N. Suda, Y. Fukao, T. Sato, Y. Aoyama, K. Shibuya
- #
- Incessant excitation of the Earth's free oscillations:
Detection from global seismic network records, N. Suda, K. Nawa,
Y. Fukao
- #
- Tiny terrestrial oscillations, T. Tanimoto, K. Nishida,
N. Kobayashi
[Oji International Seiminar, Tomakomai, May 31 - June 5, 1998]
- #
- Atmospheric excitation of planetary free oscillations,
N. Kobayashi, K. Nishida
[The Sixth symposium of Study of the Earth Deep Interiors July 5 - 10,
- #
- Atmospheric excitation of planetary nomal modes, T. Tanimoto,
J. Um.
- #
- Continuous excitation of planetary free oscillations by
atmospheric disturbances, N, Kobayashi, K. Nishida
[1998 AGU fall meeting, 1998.12]
- #
- Incessant excitation of the Earth's free oscillations: Global
comparison of superconducting gravimeter records, Nawa, K.,
Suda, N., Fukao, Y., Sato, T., Tamura, Y., Shibuya, K., McQueen,
H., Virtanen, H., and Kaariainen, J.
- #
- A Search for Time Variations in the Earth's Background Free
Oscillations, Suda, N., Kikuchi, Y., Nawa, K., and Fukao, Y.
- #
- Surprise in Earth's oscillation, Tanimoto, T.
- .
- Why does the Earth Oscillate Continuously?, Nicolas, D. and
Genevieve, R.
- .
- Time Domain Analysis of Earth's Background Seismic Radiation,
Ekstrom, G.
- .
- Persistent High-Q Seismic Modes in the Canadian Superconducting
Gravimeter Record, Jensen, O. and Merriam, J.
[1999 AGU spring meeting, Boston, May 31-June 4, 1999]
- .
- Atmosphere-Solid Earth Interaction in the Seismic Frequency
Band, Tanimoto, T.
[1999 AGU fall meeting, 1999.12]
- #
- Performance of SG to detect Earth's background free
oscillations: comparison with STS-1 at Mt. Stromlo, Canberra,
Australia, Nawa, K., Suda, N., Fukao, Y., and Sato, T.
- #
- Continuous Earth's free oscillations: evidence for seasonal
variation and coupling with atmosphere, Nishida, K., Kobayashi,
N., and Fukao, Y.
- .
- Atmospheric Excitation: Low Frequency Noise Reduction, Terra,
F. and Tanimoto, T.
- .
- A Preliminary Report on a Search for D" Layer Silent
Earthquakes by the Matsushiro 100m Extensometer Records of JMA,
Funo et al.
- 1.
- Shaking without quaking, H. Kanamori, Science, 279,
2063-2064, 1998.
- 2.
- Earth Shakes Without Quakes, Science Now (Science On-line),
26 March 1998 07:00 PM
- 3.
- Ringing Earth's Bell, Science News, July 4, 1998.
- 4.
- Shakes without quakes, G. Schueller, Earth, August 1998
- 5.
- Physics Update ``Earth vibrates continuously'', Physics
Today, 9, July 1998.
- 6.
- New Data Hint at Why Earth Hums and Mountains Rise, Richard
A. Kerr, Science, Jan 15 1999: 320-321.
- 7.
- Network of Superconducting Gravimeters Benefits a Number of
Disciplines, Crossley et al.,
EOS, 80(11), 121-126, March 16, 1999.
- 8.
- The planet that hums, Robert Coontz, New Scientist, 11
September 1999.
- 1.
- Report on the gravimetry in Japan during the period from April
1994 to March 1998, J. Geod. Soc. Japan, 44, 103-142, 1998
- 2.
- 地球が貧乏揺すり―地震以外の原因での揺れを初めて発見、朝日新聞、
- 3.
- 地球はいつも伸び縮み?ー地震以外でも自由振動、中日新聞、1998年3月
- 4.
- 絶え間なく振動している地球、ニュースダイジェスト、パリティ、1998
- 5.
- 大気で地球がブルブル,朝日新聞,1998年10月5日夕刊
- 6.
- 火星も揺すられている、神戸新聞 1998年10月13日夕刊
- 7.
- 地球の「震え」地震以外でも常時発生ー季節で変動、高知新聞、1999年6
- 8.
- 地球は常に震えている!ー大気衝突が原因、岐阜新聞、1999年6月9日